
Monday, December 13, 2021

Some things are just not worth Worrying About

I was upset last week after visiting an orthopedist about problems I've been having with my hips. I've had pain on and off over the last 30 years.  More on than off over the last 3 or 4 years.  She didn't beat around the bush and said that I had arthritis in both hips (and in the same breath mentioned replacement, what the bloody hell??) and in my lower back...and what the hell is up with the alignment of my pelvis and spine juncture?  She gave me a cortisone shot for a bad case of bursitis in my right butt cheek and sent me merrily on my way, probably pretty confident she'd see me again soon.  I moped around for a few days, wondering what it'd be like to ride a trike with a basket on the back and big motorcycle mirrors on the handlebars while cussing at youngsters riding by too close on their fancy racing bikes as I completely block the bike path.  I snapped out of it pretty quick.  I hear new hips are great, and I have a fantastic chiropractor (Linda Pecaut, Chirowholeness) who loves a challenge.

Besides that, I got this in a text soon after that.  It's my dynamic daughter.  I wish that I had a good nickname for her, but I've never really come up with one that fits.  She's Hanna, the girl who pretty much surprises me every day, and makes me laugh at the same time.  It gives my heart such great joy to see her enjoy riding bikes, but seeing her name come up on Strava with a good run, hike, or a funny pic is the best. 

Sometimes The Beautiful Mrs. K calls Eli "mini Me".  I will admit that there are some similarities between he and I.  But he is not another me.  He's a lot of really cool things wrapped into a cool teenage boy's persona.  Lately, he's become a lot more serious about riding fast.  So we've started some actual training and it's exciting!  Can't wait to see what more he gets into.
This is the part where I'd put something interesting about Tyson, but he's allergic to photos and he's deep into school right now.  So, I give you Remi, the frisbee chewing Hound Dog.  If I could have thought to grab video of this while I was laughing, I would have.  You'll just have to take this photo and my word for it. It was hilarious. 


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