
Monday, March 23, 2020

Curious Observations on a Random Monday

At a time when conventional wisdom says that we should not congregate in large numbers, it was curious to see the Arnold Wal-Mart parking lot chock full of cars.  All the way across.  And it's a BIG lot.  This was at 10am.  I did not go in to investigate.
Perhaps as curious as a packed parking lot during a pandemic is my inability to beat my hip problems.  I'm still able to run stairs without much discomfort, but normal running causes me a lot of pain after the fact, like when I'm sitting or lying down.  It's disappointing, as I was starting to really get my speed up this past summer and fall.  I was doing track workouts and was disproportionately and irrationally proud of my 5:45 mile.  I was like a kid who just won a participation trophy.  Since then, I've really battled with this old-man hip thing.  I HATE being unable to do something.
Curious, too, is how this dog is able to mimic my sleeping positions.  I could learn a thing or two from him, though. does he sleep so long?  How does he sleep so hard?  How does he snore so loud and not wake himself up?  Curious, indeed.

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