
Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Surprisingly, I Have Moved On

Rex Loves Me Either Way

It came as a surprise to me that I really am done with racing.

As early as mid-summer 2016 I had begun to plot my 2017 season.  I wanted to do Tuesday night criteriums, some mountain bike races, and local cyclocross races.  I talked with a couple close friends about doing some close out-of-town trips to race the mountain bike.

Training has been awesome.  Not the full-on, disciplined training of old, but old-fashioned hard riding.  I'm in great shape.  I feel fast.  I love the pain and hurt associated with riding on the rivet.

But I don't see the point in racing.  It just won't accomplish anything for me.  I can ride my bike (when it's convenient) and ride it fast and hard and enjoy the hell out of it, and I don't need to race as a way to justify it.

Good. I'm happy.  I'm at ease with it.  Whew, that was way harder than it should have been.  Now I just have to find another tag-line under Pedal Brake Pedal.

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