
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Whirlwind Weekend

The weekend didn't start off exactly the way we had planned it.  The Beautiful Mrs. K and I rushed after work to catch Eli's football game.  The team was playing at Vianney at 6pm so we were late anyway.  It was cold and blustery, with a little rain here and there.  A bit before half-time, Eli grabbed the team doc and they had some conversations about his elbow.  He got bashed right about the funny-bone region by a helmet pretty hard and lost feeling in his hand.  So the lovely photo of me is from the Urgent Care examination room.  Don't lie, I look very sexy when I'm cold, tired, worried, and about to spend a ton of money on healthcare...right??  He's going to be alright, just sore.
Another big day at the shop on Saturday, so Deanna and I both locked up and went for road rides afterward. When we got home, we both knew that it was time to take the Hound Dog for some outdoor therapy.  He's been going insane being home alone so much lately due to our hectic work schedule.  We planned a big hike for him Sunday morning at Rockwoods.  We hiked with him there last year, when he was a wee Hound Dog.
Bright sun, crisp temps, and one VERY excited Remi.
Hard to believe how much water this spring pumps out.  This is a panoramic (my fave!!) of the spring.
It's crazy how rugged the trail gets once it goes upward.  Remi has no trouble with all-paw drive, but it's a nice workout for us bipeds. 
At the top of all the climbing, there is a nice bench.  I tried so hard to get the stubborn Hound Dog to face me so I could get a good shot, but he's surprisingly adept at photo avoidance.
On the way down, there is a cool rocky drop-off thing.  Remi seemed impressed.
Once back to the bottom, we got a great view of the kiln.
Definitely wore out the Hound Dog.  His energy level is very high, and most of the time a simple walk does nothing but get him revved up.  A good, long hike usually does the trick.  He slept most of the way home from Rockwoods.  As I write this, he's back to being a jackass.
Once home from the hike, I again hit the road. This time with my mountain bike.  I didn't think the trails would be dry enough to ride after the week of weather that we had, but I was wrong.  Greensfelder was incredible.  It was also fairly crowded.  I usually don't go in the early afternoon, but I had promised Mrs. K I would ride with her later in the day.  I finished 16 miles or so and sped over to Cliff Cave.
I met Mrs. K, put on a clean jersey, and we attacked the trail. We passed the scene of the crime (where she fell and broke her collar bone earlier this year) without incident and had a great ride. She's coming around really well.  Truth be told, I was a bit tired and wouldn't have ridden again, but when my honey asks, I find it hard to say no.
We rewarded ourselves with Fortel's Pizza. Lawdy, lawdy, I love this stuff.  I never get the leftovers, though.  Eli will undoubtedly get up in the middle of the night and finish it off (and leave the box in the fridge).

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