
Sunday, June 21, 2020

My Youngest and Most Challenging Child - Remi

He's growing fast but he's still a little squirt.  Remi is a precious little dude, and at the same time he's a ton of work. I took an opportunity yesterday to catch him while he was zonked out in his kennel. He has the most perfect little paws I've ever seen.
Remi has a crazy fascination with the dishwasher.  Even when the dishes are clean.  Soon he will be too big to stand on the door like this.  For now it's hillarious.
The other day I had to go into the hardware store for something while the Beautiful Mrs K sat in the car with Remi.  I had to get this shot of him being his usual curious self and checking everything out.
And when the party is over, it's over!  He will fall asleep anywhere.  Not for long, though.

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