
Sunday, June 28, 2020

My First Hike - Hickory Canyons in Ste Genevieve

Mom and Dad have been doing this "hiking" thing for a while.  Probably since before I was born, oh, like, 11 weeks ago.  Apparently it's really just walking in the woods, which I can get behind.  So today they took me along on their "Sunday Adventure" to Hickory Canyons.  It's pretty close to Pickle Springs and Hawn State Park, so they say.  Whatever, I just wanted out of the car and into the woods.
Signs, signs, reading, reading, let's get on with it Mom!
I really like walking in the woods and stopping to sniff stuff, but Mom and Dad really like to hurry things along.  Ok, at least let me pee on things, please?  Soon enough, we came to a set of stairs.  I am practically the stair master around my house.  I like to bark or growl as I go down them, I think because it makes me feel like I'm showing the stairs who's boss!
The stairs led down to some really sweet rock formations.  Mom and Dad ooooh'd and aaahhh'd a lot, so it must've been cool.  I mean, you've seen one rock you've seen 'em all, right?
There were some really cool rock things.  
There was this big cavern in the rocks that Dad was really excited about, so he made me and Mom pose.
Then Dad got into the rock cavern and took our picture again.  He called it a pana-something.
Of course, I owned this walk in the woods.  After all, I have all-wheel drive and the rocks and roots and uphills are no match for all-wheel drive.
There were some very steep uphills, though.  I was pretty happy that Mom and Dad opted not to go up and over some of the big rocks.  In my defense, I was only carried ONCE.
At the end of the walk in the woods, my all-wheel drive was on it's last paw.  It was pretty hot and it was my first hike, so it's no surprise that I'm really worn out.  I slept all the way home and then I got a bath.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more napping to do.

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