
Sunday, July 21, 2024

When a Sump Pump Creates more Problems than it's Worth


If you own a newer home with a basement, chances are you have a sump pump. We have one. The sump well has a trickle of water in it most of the time. When it rains really heavily, I'll hear the pump kick on for a few seconds and then I won't hear it for another hour. Maybe not until it rains heavily again. Since we've had a LOT of rain lately, the pump kicked on while I was lifting weights in the basement. I saw an awesome stream of water rocketing toward the wall and thought...that's not right. Sure enough, the check valve had sprung a leak. It's 20 years old, after all. After dousing myself in water after disconnecting the valve, I skipped off to Lowes for a replacement.
17 George Washingtons later, I had a new check valve, complete with new connector hoses! Bonus! "Not so fast!" the new check valve muttered. Upon connecting the new valve, I was again doused in fresh water because...drumroll please...the new valve was cracked all of the way around it's bolt-pattern. Leave it to Lowes to have a generic, faulty valve right there on the shelf for me to buy. And leave it to me to be the sucker that buys it.

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