
Saturday, December 23, 2023

Funny Products Names, are you serious?


Why do product managers choose such ridiculous names for their products? This one was on our own shelves at the shop. Grizips. Like..watching too much Snoop lately, guys?
I like granola bars. I probably eat too many. But I've never had Llama-Rama granola bars. I just can't put together a thought process that would pair up Llamas and Quaker Chewy Dipps.
Freakshow wine. Are we thinking that your next party will go from Grandma and Aunt Gertrude sipping tea to a FREAKSHOW with Cousin Eddy cleaning the toilet of his RV in the driveway?
While it may seem quite benign on the surface, dig down a little. The marketing guy at Post went out to the farm, walked across the wheat field, grabbed a handful of stalks, shoved them into a box, and said "That'll be $4.99. Plus tax."
Someone has been to our house.
Really? With a name like this, I expected to see the box graphics totally different. Where is the picture of a clapped out Pacer or Gremlin? Maybe a flaming Pinto? They really missed the boat on this one.
This one is awesome. I can't for the life of me understand why Snoop would be on a bottle of red wine. Maybe on an edibles package.  But wine? You think Biff and Shelly are going to want Snoop staring back at them while they're staring into each others eyes over the Yuzu Miso Roasted Salmon??

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