
Sunday, September 06, 2020

Mountain Biking with Team Kakouris

Since Eli started practicing with the NICA South City Composite team, he's been wanting to mountain bike more often.  The team has been practicing at Forest Park, Cliff Cave, Creve Coeur, and even Indian Camp Creek.  But apart from that, we've taken Eli to Bluffview/Zombie and Broemmelsiek to ride as well. Keeping with the theme of riding in new and exciting places for him, today we went to Greensfelder.  The beautiful Mrs K caught us finishing up our second loop of Fossil Ridge, a trail Eli did really well on.
He's got a lot of the skills he needs already to ride bikes, but his mountain bike specific skills are coming right along, too.  Greensfelder is no joke, and there are no easy trails there whatsoever.  
We rode over to Fossil Ridge from the Visitors Center via the Greenrock trail.  I figured that would warm him up enough for the tight and tricky stuff.  He did great.
I'm laughing here because the ride has been going so well.  I was constantly impressed with his abilities.  It's so fun to watch them grow as riders!  
Eli and I were trying to get together for a photo here, so in meantime I struck a proud dad pose.  The beautiful Mrs K took the photo, and although it's goofy, it's given us a good laugh.
We took the long downhill from the Beulah Trail all the way to the bottom of Eagle Valley.  Eli was having an absolute blast, and even though Deanna has been down that one before, she loved it also.  So much fun was had by all.
The saddest part of the day was climbing out of Eagle Valley back to the visitors center via the single track.  It's a gnarly climb, but we all tackled it together and paid the elevation gods penance for the uber fun downhill action.  I absolutely love these rides.  We finished before 10am, which was good because the parking lot was completely full of mountain bikers.

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