
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Closing out 2017 With a Photo Essay

 I tried to expand my horizons a bit this December.  Yes, those are old running shoes, and I'm standing on some hallowed ground....
 ....the parking lot at the Beulah Trail inside Greensfelder.  There is a trail run here in February and I'd like to do it.  It will probably prove too much for me but a guy has to have goals, you know?
Speaking of Greensfelder, there has been some pretty big controlled burns there lately.  The bowl inside the Scenic Loop is pretty burnt up.  It looks eerie and cool at the same time.
Another look at the burn.  There were enough leaves on the mountain bike trail to warrant a burn there.  Just sayin'.
I did some more plumbing work, too.  It's amusing to me that pulling the cover off to expose the plumbing is usually harder than unclogging traps.  Deep down I know what the black stuff is in those traps, but I don't let myself think about it.
I parked next to a fine Bonneville last night, whose owner did a bang-up job of keeping the passenger side mirror on with just a dab of glue.  Well done!
Some poor soul found Xmas shopping too strenuous and it looks like a call went out to the paramedics.  This happened right outside the shop yesterday.  Hope everyone is alright and the ambulance ride doesn't cost more than a luxury vacation to the Bahamas.
I cut a big hole in a wall the other day.  Not because I wanted to take a look at these wires.  I wanted to install a doggy door.  The wires said otherwise.  Until you've done this, I don't know if you can possibly feel the disappointment I felt RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT.
 I felt better after patching it up.  It still needs a coat of paint.
 Every time I go to visit my Dad's gravesite at Jefferson Barracks, I get lost.  It's a big maze over there and for the life of me I can't get the streets straight.  So I took a photo of the map at the entrance and went with it.
Boom.  Found it pretty quickly.  I didn't end up on the other side of the cemetery this time.  I thought the rows and rows of head stones would be depressing in the snow, but quite the opposite.  It was a beautiful sight.  It was very peaceful.
I said a few words to Dad and brushed the snow off of the stone.  I cleared a little snow out and called it good.
I had a great workout on the trainer.  I think it's silly and awesome to be in great shape with no races or reasons in sight.  I did my hour of power and came out really well, even including my warmup.
Oh, I'll take that 20 minute power inside of an hour workout.  I had a Monster Mean Bean for breakfast, I'll have to remember that the next time I go for a power test.
And some creative person built this creepy little snowman on an outside table at Bread Company.  Good job on that.

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