
Friday, April 04, 2014

George Kakouris - 23 years

Every couple of years on this blog I point out the anniversary of my dad's passing.  I'm always reminded by it because Eli's birthday is in a few days, making the first part of April more memorable.   I actually remember this date much easier than I remember his birthday.

Even though he has already been gone for 23 years, I am still not at the age that my father was when I was born.  He was FORTY NINE when I was born.  If Deanna and I had a child right now, I would have a heart attack.

Funny how time flies, though.  It doesn't seem that long ago.  Maybe because I keep him alive with jokes and stories with my kids and others.  I usually start off BMX stories with "back in the old days when my dad drove me to races....", etc.  Still sort of a heart break that my kids never knew him.  Even Hanna, my oldest, missed him by almost 10 years.

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