
Sunday, November 19, 2017

Plumbing - And I Keep My Pants UP!

Every toilet fails eventually.  Even really cool, chrome, auto-flush variety toilets fail.  When they do, you need to call the pros.  Or you can call me.  A trusty pipe wrench and a flat blade screw driver is all you need.  And my adductor muscles feel like I've been doing Jane Fonda workouts.
 Some steps may be omitted from this photo essay, but you get the picture.  Shut off water with screw driver, use pipe wrench to remove parts, yada yada yada, it's apart.
I forgot to mention the towel.  Pretty important.  There will be water.  Anyway, reverse the above actions, yada yada yada, and you've got a flushing toilet that doesn't leak water.  Tune in next time for more helpful plumbing tips from a guy who is not a plumber!

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