
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Weekend Pictorial - Cute Dog and Chicken Edition

Believe it or not, there are tons of things that are going on in our lives that don't involve Rex.  During this time of the plague, Deanna and I are actually very busy at work.  We are lucky to be working but also anxious about working where we have to be in contact with the public.  Both of our jobs have some pretty strict rules in place for engagement.  It makes for some exhausting days.
Our boys have really confined themselves.  Mostly, they meet up with friends on the computer and Playstation.  Not the way I'd spend my time, but I realize this is a whole new world for cancelled, unable to visit friends in person, even having to be distant from Grandma and Grandpa.  Tough and weird times.
Hanna has been in the same boat as Deanna and I.  She's been working at the Bakery and while she's been taking every precaution she can, she also says that a lot of customers don't take the threat of the plague very seriously.  I sympathize with her and it's worrisome.  But, she still finds time to work out and she still thinks she can crush me in a plank competition.  She's right.
Our mission to have the house painted by Spring has failed miserably.  Don't get me wrong, it wasn't for lack of trying.  But our house is kind of like a graffiti wall.  We will finish it sometime in 2020.
I've been getting in some off-roading lately.  I've had to go far and wide to get it, though.  Not only are parks closed, but it's also important to me to ride in places that are very unpopulated.  Deanna and I went to Lost Valley today and tore the place up a bit. It had more people than I've been used to, but we managed to stay clear of almost everyone.  We even parked at a different parking lot than usual and rode over to the trails.  I'm hoping to get out of town again on Tuesday for some mountain bike distancing adventures.
Oh, and the chicken?  It seems that the Lemp Mansion has a restaurant.  I know most people probably already knew that, but I didn't.  Anyway, they have carryout going now and MAN!!  I gotta tell you I made a pig out of myself.  We each got the chicken, mac and cheese, green beans, mashed potatoes, and bread.  So.  Freaking.  Good!  I recommend it! Get you some!

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