
Monday, April 29, 2024

Springtime in our World


Springtime always means lots of birthdays for us. My birthday is in March, and both Tyson and Eli were born in April. We celebrated Tyson's birthday at a Japanese restaurant. That meant he had sake squirted directly into his mouth by a comedic chef. We were reminded of the antics from Mexico, missing only Hanna to complete the shenanigans.
Eli's birthday lacked fermented rice, but it did include an eclipse. It also included multiple attempts by me to get a birthday selfie with the Beautiful Mrs. K and the birthday boy. Notice that I didn't use any photos that I took. This photo of me taking a photo was much, much better. 
I remember calling Eli a chowderhead for doing his intervals in the cold rain, then dripping profusely on the laundry room floor. However.....
That's probably why he can get onto the podium at a Cat 1 race and I can't. These are hard lessons for an old cold-blooded man to learn.
But learn I do. I learned that changing a battery in a modern car is kind of like a puzzle. Only this one puzzle piece weighs 50 pounds and is surrounded by other puzzle pieces that are sharp and angry. 
Not at all angry is our quiet little friend who cruises the yard and surrounding areas at night. I used to be creeped out by these little guys. One nearly ate Rosco a number of years ago, too. But I read somewhere that possums eat ticks and other annoying insects, which instantly raised their status from creepy to backyard hero. Sometimes they walk in little groups across our driveway and across the street, only come back a short while later. It's as if they went to visit friends at a possum block party or something. 
And since possums are my new best friends, I was happy to see that the hound dog has no real interest in them. But it's springtime. Remi has much, much better things to do.

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Dirty South Roubaix 2024


I swore in 2020, after my first Dirty South gravel race, that I would never do it again. I hate long races. I like short races. But sometime in December Eli got a wild hair to register for this 100k gravel race so then I got a wild hair and signed up, too. No, I would not jump off a bridge if Eli jumped off a bridge, but this is cycling and I'm easily influenced. This photo, lovingly shot by Amy Strahan, shows the big smile I had on my face about halfway up the first impossible climb. That smile is a bald-faced lie. There probably wasn't a bigger lie told that entire day in the wilderness of the Shawnee National Forest. I was already hurting and there was about 45 miles to go. I pulled myself together and finished in the top 100 (out of 500-ish) and bettered my 2020 time by 20 minutes. But mark my words: I will never do it again. I mean it. I'm not kidding. Don't take this lightly. You'll see. Nope. No way. 
This was Eli's first gravel race. Actually, it was his first race longer than a 2 hour mtb race. He did well, finishing in the same time that I did in 2020 for the exact same course. He got a super cool 2nd place trophy in the juniors class. Not bad for a short-race kind of guy. He slept most of the way home in the car. Oh, the sacrifice. I guess the peace and quiet gave me time to contemplate my failures and pathetic triumphs of the godforsaken Dirty South race. Not that I'm going to do it again. Just musing about riding more so that long races wouldn't hurt so bad. Not that I'm going to do it again.
Once home, the Beautiful Mrs. K and I went to get Mexican food. I ate chips and salsa. Tacos. Beans. Rice. I drank some of her margarita. I drank a big Coke. At least two big glasses of water. When we got home, I ate Mrs. K's leftovers that she was saving for lunch the next day. And pretty much, as I write this on Tuesday, I've been eating non-stop. I will stop eating soon.
And the hound dog could care less.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

She's Just a Baby!!


Although she turned 24 two weeks ago, she's just a baby. Maybe not a diaper-wearing toddler. But you don't really expect me to believe that she's all grown up, do you? Ok, she has graduated college. And moved out of state. And she lives in a posh apartment. And yes. She makes more money than I do. But all grown up?
I guess she is grown up. She eats way more like an adult than I do. She drinks Matcha. What kid drinks Matcha? I still drink Coke while eating Little Debbie fudge cakes. 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

At Least Someone Enjoys the Snow

This guy really seems immune to the weather. He goes out in the heat, cold, rain, and yes, heavy snow. He really likes snow. On Friday when it started snowing so hard, he was at the back door begging to go out. We threw the Frisbee to him a bunch, and there was no stopping him. He would plow his nose into the snow, jump up and down, sprint across the yard, jump for the Frisbee, whatever. And no, he doesn't have any Husky in him at all.
Covered in snow, he finally gave up. He looked a bit sad and maybe a bit cold as he scratched at the back door to be let in. But don't kid yourself. Over the next few hours he practically beat down the door to go out again and again. I seriously wish I had his love for the cold. He and I are NOT alike in that way.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Forty Five Years of these Shenanigans


How it Started
How it's Going

I started this whole adventure in 1979. My dad drove me and my Mongoose out to Bonzai, a BMX track at the intersection of 270 and 70. It was built on the back lot of Central Hardware. I won my very first moto, which was as much of a surprise to me as it was to anyone else. I was a 12 year old comic book nerd who liked riding BMX bikes with my friends. As so many stories go, one thing led to another and suddenly I'm 57 and still racing bikes. 

Obviously, there has been a ton of water under that bridge. Lots of ups and downs. More than my fair share of successes. A lot more failures. A few big injuries. But, like it or not, it's made me who I am. I've benefited from luck as much as I've benefited from hard work. Right now, I'm reaping the greatest rewards of a charmed life. My kids are wonderful people and great athletes. My wife and family are into cycling and the bike business well past anything I could have ever imagined. 

I don't compete at the front of the races anymore. I had planned on stopping 3 years ago because of that, but then Eli started racing and it just seemed like a really stupid idea to quit. His interest in racing reignited my own. Funny, now I love racing more than I have in 25 years. 

I certainly don't have another 45 years in me. No way. Like everyone, I have health problems that don't make this very difficult sport any easier. No excuses, I'm just going to try to enjoy racing as much as possible. Maybe I can pass on some of what I've learned to the amazing new group of kids and youngsters who've started racing NICA and the other cycle sports. 

Onward and upward. Never grow up. Never grow old. (ok, maybe old)

Sunday, February 04, 2024

A little Getaway


Our darling children got together and bought us a Christmas present. It wasn't a pair of lonely socks or a sorry knick-knack to clutter the house. It was a getaway. Actually, a Getaway Bloomsdale. This organization has a handful of tiny one-room houses on remote rolling hills in southeast Missouri. Our particular little home-away-from-home was named "Siprina."
Incredibly well-made and very well thought out for a one room house. Actually, there was a bathroom/shower as well but everything (bed, table, stove, sink, chairs, storage, etc) was in the main room. Our bed was poised against a gigantic picture window that faced east for a great sunrise. It's pretty amazing how a lack of room forces a person to be as tidy as possible.
So we took a selfie as soon as we brought in our stuff.
And, we went for a hike on the grounds. Sort of looked like Bluffview with no regard for 20 percent grades. Too bad it was only 1 mile long. 
Never to miss an opportunity to build a fire, the Beautiful Mrs. K spent an very long time coaxing one to life in the fire pit. We brought along some burgers and she roasted them for us while I watched her from the warmth of the house. I know, I'm a real catch.
Not wanting to roast our own breakfast, we drove into Bloomsdale proper to eat a country breakfast at Cozy's. It's a cool place, with a more bar-focused Dew Drop restaurant attached to the other side. We ate at the Dew Drop that night. Best fries ever.
Not ones to sit and stare at ourselves the whole weekend, we scouted out other places to hike nearby. We have passed St. Francois State Park many times on our way down to St. Joe State Park. We decided, since it was very close, to give the Mooner's Hollow trail a try.
It reminded me of Chubb Trail in a lot of ways. Very rugged, lots of roots, steep ups and downs. The whole trail is a 3 mile loop. Mostly dry, with a couple real-deal creek crossings.
If you hike anywhere in Missouri, you'd feel right at home at Mooner's Hollow. We had a great hike here. And just for good measure, we hiked the Nature Trail back at the homestead again before dinner. 

Thank you to our wonderful kids for the thoughtful gift. We enjoyed the time away.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Another Year Down, Nothing Stops the March of Time


2023! Wow, and it's already over. We did a LOT of stuff this year. I came, I saw, and I raced. Sometimes poorly, but I just can't give up. Seems like a good way to go and complaining about it.
The Hostess with the Mostest. The Beautiful Mrs. K is really the force behind most of what goes on around here. South Side Cyclery wouldn't be in business without her. We would also go hungry at home. 
Tyson started riding bikes again. He and Eli went to, of all places, Bentonville. It made us happy to see him enjoy something so much.
Less surprising, but still very impressive, is Hanna's relentless pursuit of fitness. She has shifted her focus to strength and muscular development. Biceps for days. You lookin' at me, punk? Everyone should let her know that they have really nice gyms in St. Louis, too. Just sayin'.
Eli is a senior this year. He progressed in amazing fashion, ending the year with a bunch of wins and a State Championship jersey in Cyclocross. Time flies crazy fast. Don't let it pass you by, or you'll be looking at baby pictures while your favorite photographer is taking High School Senior photos of your baby. The baby wearing my shirt, I might add.

Just in case you thought we were getting old and boring, you have to remember that we dressed up together in otters costumes. Willingly. 

And because everyone is doing it, I'll post my 2023 Strava score card. I could have sworn that I rode more, but numbers don't lie. The only defense that I have is that many of my miles are off-road, so there are fewer miles, and slower miles. That's my story anyway. Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Funny Products Names, are you serious?


Why do product managers choose such ridiculous names for their products? This one was on our own shelves at the shop. Grizips. Like..watching too much Snoop lately, guys?
I like granola bars. I probably eat too many. But I've never had Llama-Rama granola bars. I just can't put together a thought process that would pair up Llamas and Quaker Chewy Dipps.
Freakshow wine. Are we thinking that your next party will go from Grandma and Aunt Gertrude sipping tea to a FREAKSHOW with Cousin Eddy cleaning the toilet of his RV in the driveway?
While it may seem quite benign on the surface, dig down a little. The marketing guy at Post went out to the farm, walked across the wheat field, grabbed a handful of stalks, shoved them into a box, and said "That'll be $4.99. Plus tax."
Someone has been to our house.
Really? With a name like this, I expected to see the box graphics totally different. Where is the picture of a clapped out Pacer or Gremlin? Maybe a flaming Pinto? They really missed the boat on this one.
This one is awesome. I can't for the life of me understand why Snoop would be on a bottle of red wine. Maybe on an edibles package.  But wine? You think Biff and Shelly are going to want Snoop staring back at them while they're staring into each others eyes over the Yuzu Miso Roasted Salmon??

Friday, December 08, 2023

Well Done, Son

Sunday marked the end of Eli's racing season. It was an almost entirely UP season, starting in March as a Category 2 mountain biker. He raced so many races, he'd have to count them up for you as I can't really keep track. The Missouri State Cyclocross Championship race was at Sylvan Springs, a favorite venue of ours. His competition in the Juniors category came mainly from his fellow NICA racers, as the top 4 finishers were all NICA veterans.
It was a super fast race, with the top 4 guys averaging 10.5mph, close to the older fast guys speed. I loved watching Eli over the barriers. For some reason, they are his super power.
A very tight race until the end, Eli pulled it out in style and got his first gold medal. About an hour later, he raced in the Cat 4 race with his buddy and team mate Brodie, who got his first State Championship medal, a Bronze. Well done, boys! Now for some rest, some goofing around, and an eye toward 2024's racing season. Onward and upward!

Thank you to Flannery Allison, who has provided us with spectacular photos all year that capture these valuable moments.


Monday, November 27, 2023

Wild Animals Among Us


Upon entering my room, I was greeted by the sight and sound (snoring) of this wild beast. I obviously caught him sleeping off a whirlwind day of hunting vicious squirrels the untamed plains of Affton (our back yard).
Known for it's unorthodox sleeping habits (sleeps through thunderstorms, wakes up if a neighbor down the street sneezes), I approached with caution. It's legs are abnormally long, with dangerously large paws (he needs his nails clipped), so startling him is never a good idea (he moans loudly if he's awakened before he likes).
Throwing caution to the wind, I got up close to take a shot of his large head (and floppy hound-dog ears). I froze momentarily as I thought the sound of my phone taking the photo might have stirred him (he just snored louder). In the end, I was able to escape this encounter with danger, having gotten priceless photos to share with my devoted readers. 


Sunday, November 05, 2023

Whirlwind Weekend

Eli and Tyson took a boys weekend down to Bentonville this weekend. They rode everything they could get to in a couple short days. Then Eli popped down south a bit to do the Old Post Challenge cross country race (2nd place!).
A bit more surprising is Tyson's debut as a mountain bike rider. Oh yes, he can ride mountain bikes as well as throw a baseball. He's having the time of his life, wishing for an e-bike.
In a rebound from last weekend, I had a spectacular day on the bike at the CX race at Vlasis Park in Ballwin. The course was literally the most fantastic cross course I've ever ridden.
And combined with 68 degree, sunny weather, I made the podium. Funny story: The guy on the top step here is the brother of the guy who beat Eli into second place last Sunday at St. Vincent! I mean...what are the chances??

We are very happy with the turnout of young athletes and South Side club riders. Thanks so much for coming out and supporting the shop, the club, and racing in St. Louis and beyond.

What can't be overstated is the Beautiful Mrs. K's commitment to getting others into riding and racing. She has been such a driving force behind South Side's clubs and teams.