
Sunday, December 01, 2019

Winter is Settling In

Even though it comes every year, pretty much around the same time, I always hope that winter will skip us.  I know it's kind of childish, but I can't stand cold weather.  Can't stand being stuck inside.  I really hate scraping ice off of my car, too.  My hopes have already been dashed, of course, since we have seen snow, sleet, and even temps in the teens already.  Too early if you ask me.

So as winter settles in and mocks me for yet another year, the beautiful Mrs K and I have struggled to make the most of it.  We've bundled up a few times already, sometimes even at night, and braved the elements.  Just last night, I set my bike up on the trainer for a workout and she ran on the treadmill.  Not a bad set up, but I was hoping until at least January before we had to resort to actual indoor training.

Today really got to me.  Really high winds, temps in the 30's, plus snow flurries and even some sleet was crushing my soul.  But Mrs K and I suited up (she got some awesome winter cycling shoes on sale!) and rode our gravel bikes over to Dogtown to do some South City hills.  Just as we got over to Southwest, she ditched me.  I kinda expected it, 'cause it was pretty brutal.  Turns out, she was the smart one.  I forged ahead, did my US RDA of hills and motored home.  My hands were frozen, as usual.  Can't keep them warm for nuttin'.

We did warm up enough to head out to a family birthday dinner for Gus.  And we got a good photo of us as a bonus.

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