
Sunday, November 04, 2018

From Such Heights

What is the beautiful Mrs K doing down there?  Being my super domestique, guiding me as I drove the lift through the office and out of doors to replace a very, very high light bulb.  That's a cute hoodie, don't you think?
And there I am, the guy that is afraid of heights.  I was taking the world's biggest light bulb out of it's fixture.  It ain't like changin' a bulb in your bathroom, folks.
I am absolutely afraid of heights.  But I have worked with this lift quite a bit and I have faith in it's sturdiness.  The wind, rain, and general dreariness of the day did give me pause as I thought that it would be a terrible day to plunge to my death.  Please, universe, if I ever die while doing dumb things at silly heights, let it be a nice sunny day.

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