
Thursday, November 02, 2017

I love Dogs, Even WerePoodles

I love dogs.  I've had a few dogs in my life and they have been amazing creatures which is why I was saddened when I got bitten by one for the first time a few weeks ago.

I was doing a little cyclocross action on a Tuesday night.  I rounded a corner and there was a lady walking a big ol' Standard Poodle.  He was a pretty thing, really tall, brown, and...on his hind legs.  I surprised them, and you know what happens when you surprise a dog.

I skirted him pretty well and thought I'd gotten by.  But as he came down, his mouth grabbed my leg, super quick, by my hip pointer on my left hip.  Bam.  He bit me and I never missed a pedal stroke.

I kept riding.  I was cussing of course.  It hurt a bit but not bad.  I was wearing bib shorts so it wasn't easy to pull them down and look for damage.  There was no blood, how bad could it be?

Well, it was kinda bad when I finally looked at it a little while later.

I didn't say anything really, and I didn't want to chase the lady down.  I was in no danger of turning into a Standard Poodle, like a Were-Poodle or anything.  I saw no reason to berate the woman or cause any trouble.

I will say dog bites kinda suck.  I'll have some permanent blots on my leg.  I will, however, survive.

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