Monday, October 30, 2006
pumpkin carving

another pic

sent this photo to me. it must have been during the time hanna and tyson were feverishly cheering me on to "go faster". otherwise, why would i have such a smile on my face??
better, but i really suck!

Sunday, October 29, 2006
scenes from the halloween weekend

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
i took this while driving
Thursday, October 26, 2006
new wheels

the fed ex man keeps 'em comin'

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

the President, in (almost) Full Glory

Monday, October 23, 2006
i really need this

i'll just keep thinking about that day.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
i raced 'cross today

photos courtesy of kurt at action images
Friday, October 20, 2006
and even more decadence

the president's partner in crime showed up as well, the classic C50. this has been my favorite colnogo for a while. lighter and, in my humble opinion, more elegant than the president, it has long been a benchmark for ride quality. everyone should ride one of these at least once so they can see how the other half lives. sort of like staying the night in a luxury hotel. or riding in first class on a charter jet.
some people have celebrities as their fantasy world...i have cool bike stuff as mine.

sing bling in the spring

they don't give the wheels away, that's for sure. but, strong, unique, light, and super cool never cost peanuts.
i ordered a pair for my mountian bike, too, but i made the mistake of asking for blue hubs to go along with the blue highlights on the oiz...i was paid back for my frivolous aesthetic feat of fancy by having to wait several more weeks for that. bah. i think i will switch to black so that i can have cool wheels like the kaiser. anthony b is in worse shape: he ordered road wheels built with zipp 303 rims and is being rewarded with a 3 month wait!!! we ordered more stock road wheels for the shop from I9, and those will also be a while.
i guess the shop will being blinging in the spring with cool wheels, but not much before!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
woot woot
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
the beautiful mrs k and i ran together the other night. yes, i know, i don't run. but i used to. and the mrs ran the chicago marathon in 2004. we both think it would be great if we could get some runs in together, and i think it's time i try to branch out from just cycling again.
we ran around st. francis park. curiously enough, that was where i did the majority of my running way back when men were still using smoke signals instead of cell phones. i love that park. yeah, yeah, so i only ran a bit more than a mile. the other day, i ran 10 minutes on our treadmill. gotta start slow, dontcha know???
we ran around st. francis park. curiously enough, that was where i did the majority of my running way back when men were still using smoke signals instead of cell phones. i love that park. yeah, yeah, so i only ran a bit more than a mile. the other day, i ran 10 minutes on our treadmill. gotta start slow, dontcha know???
today started off warm enough. kinda drizzling, but at least it wasn't cold, right?
i had to take the opal on it's maiden voyage. i was just dying to get out on it. i took all my stuff to work with me so i could ride at 5. anthony was down with that, so i had an accomplice. getting closer to 5, the wind started blowing, the skies got darker, it got colder...typical. there were even rain drops when we started out the door. geez.
so we pedaled into the impending winter storm (or so it felt like) on our usual after-work loop. it wasn't so bad. it was only drizzle. the traffic was really a bigger hassle than the weather, except for the occasional gust that would nearly blow anthony off the road.
first impressions? i love the bike. i see why everyone is so wild about carbon now. it felt great to get out of the saddle and climb. smooth ride, too. great choice, i think. and it even looks good!
anthony and i pressed on, past the crazed suv drivers and dump trucks and lawn service vehicles. we didn't really hit it hard, no real reason to. we complained a LOT on the way back to the shop along edison. the wind was vicious. but we were both glad to have ridden.
i also got the chance to weigh the oiz frame today, too. 4.93 lbs. yes, the lightest full suspension frame i have ever personally put onto a scale. i didn't know it was supposed to be that light, so let's call it a bonus!
i called the kaiser tonight. word on the streets says he is selling the super-insane intense spider that i showcased a while back on these very pages. a 20-ish pound full suspension rig? you got it. he even had it custom anodized and had push industries revalve the shock on it for added performance. i'll keep you weight weenies posted about it when he pulls the trigger. anyway, the fork he is using on that bike is also worked over pretty well. it's a sid that gets nearly 90mm of plush travel, which is usually not said in the same sentence together. he did the work himself. so since my oiz came with a sid, and i have never been very fond of them, i'm enlisting the kaiser's help, since he did such a good job on his. i'm sure it will cost me some good mexican food, but a 90mm sid is probably worth more than that.
i had to take the opal on it's maiden voyage. i was just dying to get out on it. i took all my stuff to work with me so i could ride at 5. anthony was down with that, so i had an accomplice. getting closer to 5, the wind started blowing, the skies got darker, it got colder...typical. there were even rain drops when we started out the door. geez.
so we pedaled into the impending winter storm (or so it felt like) on our usual after-work loop. it wasn't so bad. it was only drizzle. the traffic was really a bigger hassle than the weather, except for the occasional gust that would nearly blow anthony off the road.
first impressions? i love the bike. i see why everyone is so wild about carbon now. it felt great to get out of the saddle and climb. smooth ride, too. great choice, i think. and it even looks good!
anthony and i pressed on, past the crazed suv drivers and dump trucks and lawn service vehicles. we didn't really hit it hard, no real reason to. we complained a LOT on the way back to the shop along edison. the wind was vicious. but we were both glad to have ridden.
i also got the chance to weigh the oiz frame today, too. 4.93 lbs. yes, the lightest full suspension frame i have ever personally put onto a scale. i didn't know it was supposed to be that light, so let's call it a bonus!
i called the kaiser tonight. word on the streets says he is selling the super-insane intense spider that i showcased a while back on these very pages. a 20-ish pound full suspension rig? you got it. he even had it custom anodized and had push industries revalve the shock on it for added performance. i'll keep you weight weenies posted about it when he pulls the trigger. anyway, the fork he is using on that bike is also worked over pretty well. it's a sid that gets nearly 90mm of plush travel, which is usually not said in the same sentence together. he did the work himself. so since my oiz came with a sid, and i have never been very fond of them, i'm enlisting the kaiser's help, since he did such a good job on his. i'm sure it will cost me some good mexican food, but a 90mm sid is probably worth more than that.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006

no, it wasn't really a vacation, but we did do some traveling in the family truckster this past weekend.
we piled a lot of stuff into grandma's minivan and headed down to arkansas to visit my sister and my aunt's and uncle, nieces and nephews, and even some cousins. on the way down, we picked up hanna. hanna was very close to my aunts because they stayed with my mom for a number of months while she was sick. she would go stir up the house for a while, and it always made my mom and her sisters very happy.
since then, patsy, the youngest sister, has become ill herself. i really didn't want too much time to go by before hanna was able to see her again, and mrs k, tyson and elijah haven't met much of my family. so, this was a perfect time to get everyone together.
after a loooooooong drive in the dark, as well as numerous stops, we finally came to batesville, a quaint little town in north central arkansas. my neice and nephew were also there, and they entertained hanna and tyson to no end. pooper was a big hit, of course, and he was in a great mood all weekend, showing off for the relatives.
saturday, we traveled to evening shade, the itty bitty little town that my mom and her family grew up in. even though they were having a parade that day, it was evident that the sleepy little town may be on the way out. main street, literally only a block long, is nearly void of business. but, i was able to show the kids a lot of the things that i remember as being special when i would visit my grandma's. first, her house. it has been repainted, but i could still picture the pale yellow paint that used to adorn the little home. we drove past the one room jail house where my aunt used to bring food to prisoners at lunch time. i showed them my great aunt audrey's house, the dairy bar, the old post office, the wishing well, the old barber shop, the old pool hall, grady's grocery, the gas station...memories that flooded back to me as i told it to them.
after the trip to town, we went to the evening shade grave yard. i have generations of family buried there. it was pretty crazy to walk down the rows, seeing some of the old stones that dated back to before the civil war. my cousin shannon, who spent much more time in arkansas, gave us a guided tour. surprisingly, the kids really thought it was cool. they didn't feel any of the sadness that goes along with grave yard visits, so they really got into the dates and names. i showed them my grandma, grandpa, uncles, aunts, mother...it was crazy.
then it was off to uncle jim's farm. he has a ham radio collection, a classic car collection that he carved out of wood, and 4 horses. the kids were interested in the horses, i was interested in the radios and cars! hanna and tyson were able to feed and pet them, which was a big hit.
as long as this day was, we still had one more errand to run. my sister and her husband are building a house on the white river. it's in a beautiful remote spot, only 100 yards down from merl haggard's vacation home. super cool. and, the kids were treated to the dog chasing a stick in the deep, cold river. cocoa is a crazy brown lab that my sister is crazy over.
we were so lucky to get as much of the family together as we did. living in different parts of the country makes it hard, but i'm sure the kids are going to remember the trip for a long time, and so will the mrs and i.
Friday, October 13, 2006
This stuff came today...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
greensfelder again

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