
Thursday, March 16, 2006

riding, painting, riding

so this week has been a full one. i got up early tuesday and thursday mornings to get some painting done at mom's house before work. it's paying off, as i am nearly done with the kitchen. only a little concrete work in the basement and a little finish work here and there and she's ready for sale. whew, i'm growing weary of contractors work.

yesterday, i did a boneheaded thing. i did intervals on southwest avenue, intervals i've been doing for almost 10 years now. i know i'm not the man i used to be, but daaaaaaaamn, it was unusually tough yesterday. i knew something was wrong. i started looking at my bike to see if my brakes were rubbing...seriously, it was that bad. i then had an idea; was i correct in assuming the teeth on the cogset i was using?? last week, i did the same interval day, and passed with flying colors. i had changed wheelsets, so maybe this cogset was different?? and it was. i was using 3 teeth higher than i thought. ug. rookie mistake, so close to my 39th birtday, too! after correcting the problem, my final hill interval was much better, and the remaining flat intervals i do on germania were quite good for me. so, i am not as pathetic as my first intervals would suggest!!

we may be having our baby sooner than we initially thought. the doc has revised the due date twice, but the little bundle of joy is pretty big and mrs. k is having a heck of a time with random contractions already. so, anytime in the next 3-5 weeks is probably safe to say. yikes, and the baby's room is not yet painted! (maybe i'll hire that painting done....)

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