
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Last Birthday Post - Electronic Edition

After food and soft goods, the last thing I'll say about my birthday is how electronics were the finishing touch. Hanna, who we all know is practically the most fit person on planet Earth, uses Whoop. When she first told me about it some time ago, I figured it was just another fitness app. But she sends me her metrics now and then and it's pretty fascinating. I'm not sure if she's trying to tell me to firm up the old dad-bod or she wants me to share in her fitness glory, but she sent me one for my birthday. Thank you either way, fabulous daughter of mine!

The other part of the electronics equation: just how many awesome, wonderful, thoughtful, and heart-felt birthday wishes that I received. I'm humbled by how many people take the time to say "Happy Birthday" to a guy that has birthday cakes that would be considered a fire hazard with all the candles. And, although not electronic, I did get actual cards from beloved family members that were just perfect.

Until next year, when the fire department (or coroner) will surely be called, thank you to everyone!


Wednesday, March 22, 2023

More Birthday Stuff - Soft Goods

Eli and the Beautiful Mrs K went the soft goods route for this incredibly important birthday. Adidas are sort of my go-to brand these days and they came through. Cushy kicks for work!

Eli has been hinting around that I borrow his sweatpants an awful lot. I usually don't remind him that he borrows my bikes, my clothes, my shoes, my razors, my...well, you get the picture. Thus, it was not a real surprise that he gifted me with my very own sweatpants. Yes!! 


I'm 56 - What I got for my Birthday (food edition!)

 I've gotten a lot of great gifts for my birthday this year, and this posting is going to focus on something near and dear to me: Food. The Custis family knows this. A bit early for my birthday but welcome at ANY time of the year (hint, hint) is the famous guacamole. Oh. My. God. 

Um, yeah. The incredibly thoughtful and youngest member of their clan brought brownies. Not just any brownies, but homemade brownies. As you can see, I really only ate a couple bites as the other people at the store helped them to disappear. 

And thanks to Wes, who knows what washes down a big mouthful of brownies!