Sunday, February 28, 2010
maplewood bicycle
i first walked in to maplewood bicycle when it was on sutton avenue in 1978. i was sporting the webco that my parents had bought for me, and i was always on the lookout for trick bmx racing parts for it. after some years, they moved over to the current location on manchester road. and i was still going in there, pestering the staff about trick bmx racing parts.
i became friends with many of the employees then, and i continue some of those friendships today. i had talked to then-owner rich morris several times about working for them, but nothing ever worked out. on monday morning, after 32 years of pestering the staff for trick bike parts, i'm going to work for them.
my consignment business has run it's course. it has been a good experience and earned money for my family at a crucial time. i used a lot of my work experience and used a lot of my connections to get it up and running in an incredibly short time. within two weeks of leaving my old job, pedalbrakepedal was a legitimate ebay store and my house was full of merchandise to sell for a miraculously receptive customer base. i am very thankful for that. i am very, very thankful to everyone who has used the business to get rid of their old stuff and bring in the new.
again, i can't thank any of you enough. i know many of you have friends and connections at bicycle stores, but i would love to see all of you stop by and say "hey" at maplewood.
and, after my current crop of things are gone from my ebay store, i hope never to sell anything on ebay again!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
2010 fisher superfly
Saturday, February 20, 2010
saturday afternoon
Friday, February 19, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
going forward, upward, elsewhere
some people are born with a personal planner in their soul, one that tells them at any given moment where they are, where they came from and where they should be. there is a laser like focus in their life that pulls them toward something, somewhere. there is a lot to envy and admire about those people.
what if that's something you want, but the drive is just not there? i think most people go through their lives with major and minor goals, and sometimes both are sharp and in clear view and sometimes they lose their way. They find impetus again, or they change direction, or they resume with varying levels of commitment to those old goals. and sometimes, i'm sure, they never regain the drive for "more" again.
a piano drops on your head. a meteor lands in your yard. the proverbial light bulb goes on, bright and vivid. of course you'll recognize your star and chances are, you'll follow it. that's easy. what happens if you're not lucky enough to have an epiphany like that?
forward. upward. elsewhere.
where is my piano?
Saturday, February 13, 2010

themistocles, athenian politician and naval general, 524-459 b.c. and i'm themistocles as well. it's a very rare name, and i've never met another. hell, i've not met too many people who can even pronounce it.
you know how you get stuff in the know, junk? we seem to get a lot of stuff from barnes-jewish hospital. we get these glossy pamphlets that look sort of like prospectuses. tonight, while watching the pixar shorts with the little general, deanna was looking through the junk mail and said: "look! a guy named themistocles!"
well, knock me down and call me nancy. there it was, in black and white and glossy colors. a doctor from the wash u medical school named themistocles. i knew there were others, but surely they were in the halls of the grecian aristocracy, or in a turkish prison. funny that one of them shows up here in st. louis.
and guess what he's a doctor of? inflammatory bowel diseases.
i can't make this stuff up.
Friday, February 12, 2010
the olympics

although i have been an "athlete" i suppose since i raced my first bike race in 1979, i didn't pay much attention to sport in general. i don't remember ever watching a whole football or baseball game. i'm sure i watched the wide world of sports on abc just to see that skier go down in the agony of defeat, but that was the extent of my interest in sport.
that changed in 1984. that summer, i happened to be around the tele a lot and caught a bunch of the summer olympic games. i got hooked. i got hooked on sports i didn't like. i was inspired by wrestling of all sports. wrestling, a sport i loathed because my brother was a wrestler in high school. but i remember watching the unlikely hero winning a gold metal and it inspired me. i watched the stars of those games, carl lewis, mitch gaylord, mary lou, micheal jordan, greg louganis...stars in sports i don't care about, but i sure remember their names and their performances. and what about alexi grewal, and nelson vails?? again, cycling stars in cycling sports i didn't care about at the time, but they were AWESOME.
it's taken me more years to come around to the winter sports. i hate cold. i hate watching the cold on tv. but some years ago i sat down and watched speed skating. and of course, who can resist the downhill skiing? and now snowboarding has me intrigued.
ah, the olympics. a surrogate for tour coverage on tv, and a great time to be inspired.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
i'm a seriously handsome dog
i'll refrain here from my health care rant, because it's a politically charged hot button. suffice to say that our visit sunday did nothing to change my mind about the systems we have in place.
after a few hours, we were finally discharged. the little guy has pneumonia and both ears are infected. he's such a trooper, though. he rarely whines or complains about feeling bad. he's been taking his medicine and underneath the runny nose and the hacking, he's all eli.
nothing sharpens the attention like a serious health issue. it's funny, when one of the kids are sick, i start watching every move, listening to every's a sort of hyper intensity that i don't think i ever achieve at any other time.
dodge is gone
Saturday, February 06, 2010
lincoln mark III

because it just never gets old
it's super short and the music really makes it for me. wrong? yes.
followed by another one that seems to defy the laws of physics. his crash seems to be at 100mph even though he approaches the ramp at maybe 20??
followed by another one that seems to defy the laws of physics. his crash seems to be at 100mph even though he approaches the ramp at maybe 20??
Friday, February 05, 2010
bed head rosco
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
kids with big shoes, castlewood mountain biking
although it was "warm" today (a balmy 38 degress), i wanted to ride my mountain bike. one thing for certain...the gravely climbs at castlewood are always solid enough to ride on. i try to climb some hills at least once a week so the trip out to the 'wood seemed like a good idea.
it was sort of a good idea. i pedaled around on the pavement to warm up a bit and of course i noticed all of the mud and water on the sidelines. and from the vantage point of the park road, the lone wolf climb looked soaked! as i approached it, it wasn't was frozen, glazed over with ice. ah. well. so i climbed it anyway. and it was good. a bit slippery, but it was a nice kind of slippery that allowed me to practice technical climbing. once at the top, it was evident that i wasn't going any further. i just did that a few times and rolled over to the grotpeter climb. facing the other direction, there was no ice and certainly no mud, being made up entirely of rock and gravel. so, i climbed that a few times.
once my pathetic legs turned to cream cheese, i limped back to the dodge ram quite satisfied that i had no mud on me nor my bike, and i left no trace.
Monday, February 01, 2010
marco pantani bianchi

the longer pantani has been gone, the more i like him. perhaps it's a case of "absence makes the heart grow fonder", but truly it's more a matter of me actually having watched him race. it seems as though pantani is in so many of the cycling videos that i watch while riding the trainer. up until this point, i really only read about him in magazines and on the web. the press rarely painted a pretty picture of the man. i like to let a rider's performances speak for them, although it's hard in this instantaneous information environment to allow that to happen and i get caught up like the next guy. simoni, ricco, rassmussen, pantani, petacchi, etc...there is always something in the press to taint a person's view. but watching them RACE, which is what we all love to see them do, erases that from my mind.
cycling news has THIS ARTICLE on marco's bike.
dog in a basket
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