the beautiful mrs k made plans for us to go to aya sofia for new years eve festivities. we love the food and the owners are friends of her family. here, we had just arrived.

kevin and katie came along, too. they drove all the way in from their wilderness love nest somewhere's out west.

jim and denise were actually our chauffeurs. before hitting aya sofia, we all went to the movies and saw "in the air". it was depressing from my point of view. which meant it was time for some frivolity.

"oh!" the belly dancer said to kevin, "it's your birthday??"

yeeee haaaaw. now that's some good old fashioned fun! although a quarter of his size, the diminutive belly dancer lassoed her some kevin. she probably would have hogtied him right there in the restaurant, but the shocked and appalled lady in the lower left of the photo would not stand for it.

i, on the other hand, decided that her efforts were worth at least two bucks. i'm always a bit nervous at these moments, especially a few years after my stripper experiences have past.

and for this, she turned up the heat and gave us a little sword play action. you can plainly see the cash hanging from her waist band. it was at this point that we lamented keith and 'reesa's absence from the family new years fun. we couldn't imagine that they were having as much fun as we were, since they were in st. charles. you know, this ain't no st. charles.

kevin: happy new years, honey!
katie: happy new years to you, too. and if you mess with that belly dancer again i'll use that sword for something really painful. this ain't st. charles, you know.

happy new years, bucks! it's evident here that jim has truly topped out, and that it wasn't st. charles.

looking quite drunk even though we weren't, we rang in the new years with complimentary champagne. i don't even like champagne. but, i pretended and we closed out our non-st. charles new years eve bash with style.