i don't think i ever fully realized how much rocky and rosco sleep during the day when we're gone. i mean, geez. i'd like to sleep a little.
really, rocky sleeps about 22 hours a day. he NEVER moves from the time the kids are off to school until deanna gets home at night. he barks 10-15 times a day at some passersby or just a noise, but quickly puts his schnoz back under a blanket or pillow or anything soft and goes back to sleep. for sure, he doesn't change positions at all for my entire work day. i move about the house, in and out, up and down stairs, in and out of rooms constantly, and many times i don't realize that i have passed over him. he is one lazy dude. but beware if anyone comes to the door. you'd think a different dog invaded the fat guys body. grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
rosco sleeps, yes, but he follows me around like my shadow. when i'm at the computer, i have a big towel balled up behind my chair and he sleeps (and snores) there. but he's awake, fast as lightning, if i go upstairs for any reason. he follows my every move. i go to the kitchen, he goes to the kitchen. i go outside, he waits by the door. he's my constant companion, and when i sit down anywhere, that's where he sleeps.
right now, i'm on deanna's computer and under the desk is an 80 pound dalmation balled up like a big white comforter, and right next to me on my own bed is rosco...snoring.
dogs sure are funny.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
weekend photos
this boy's life
Sunday, April 26, 2009
the beautiful mrs k's tour of st. louis
deanna didn't get to race the delmarvelous criterium on saturday morning due to work obligations. but, after my crit, we loaded up and made the hike up to the north east and found a wonderful place for a time trial. never mind the wind, there was a great section of smooth pavement waiting for the riders.
i caught her here on the line. she's pretty intense, huh? no aero whatsoever, save the stock bontrager carbon wheels. just no time for that stuff, ya know??
bam, she's off! she was pounding those pedals straight away. i was hoping she didn't get knocked over by the wind.
26:05 later, she came flying into the finish area. she was 6th in the 4's. i was pleased, and she had an average of 189 bpm on her heart rate monitor. i guess she gave it all she had, huh??

Saturday, April 25, 2009
tyson's party time birthday
Friday, April 24, 2009

i've known kurt fletcher for about 20 years. he's a fixture among st. louis cyclists and even more so among the couriers/bike messengers that roam out streets.
now kurt has launched his own cycling apparel and gear company called 708 Cycling. some of it is actually made right here in st. louis, and all of it is solid gear meant to last.
check it out, it's a chance to buy some great stuff locally for us st. louisans and a chance for people elsewhere to pick up thoughtfully designed stuff from a guy who's lived and made his living on a bike.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
off topic photo exhibit
monday was just too windy and the on and off rain had me in a tail spin. so i did just that...spun my tail on the trainer during my lunch break. i have to force myself to take time to do things like eat and ride these days. it's just too easy to keep working when there is so much to do.
tuesday was a day of incredible intensity. packaging product, post office run with incredibly mean people in line, more packaging, driving to west county, more listing, bread company for a bagel (not intense), more packaging, suit up for crit, get blown over riding to crit, get blown over during crit, have fun at crit (certainly intense), ride home into wind, eat mcdonald's with kids, meet with mad professor about intense new ebay program (as intense as crit), get ice for cooler and milk to go in cooler since fridge is broken, fed dogs rice puffs cereal because dogfood was awol.............
i thought today might have rivaled tuesday for intensity, but thankfully it did not. i had a nice lull this morning that let me take some solid quality photos for the 'bay and be the first guy in line at the post office. afterward it was some phone time with prospective customers and a nice coke from the cooler. i did manage to drink water today.
i rushed out to castlewood to ride my mountain bike because the weather was just too nice to miss out. i knew that i would only be able to ride for an hour, but i was down with that. it was a heavenly hour, as the weather and the trail were dynomite. i got stung by a bee on my fatty love handle. that was nice.
i managed a lot of quality computer time after my ride and took the boys for pizza, since, you know, the fridge is broken. it's tough in this town to get people who deliver fridges, to, well, you know, DELIVER ONE. eli and i watched some thomas videos and he went to sleep pretty easily. now i'm procrastinating by writing this. i need to get my bee-stung love handled butt up to seben eleben to get ice for the cooler and another jug of milk. i'll be lucky if i don't come home with snacks.
Monday, April 20, 2009
bed bugs

here are some of the cuties. it was so fun to watch them...they had on antenna's and little black noses and even some extra arms on their sides. in case you were wondering, hanna is all the way on the right. and, i'm pretty sure the date is off a bit, too.
hanna gave me her big plastic bow.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
weekend getaway
the grimace at hermann missouri
since the beautiful mrs k did her crit at hermann in the rain and cold, it was not going to be politically correct for me to bag my race. the p/1/2 race was scheduled for dinner time, and by then it was warmer, not windy, and certainly not cold. i had to race.
i really wanted to race, but i had fear and loathing for the downhill on the backside of the course. it was VERY fast and the pavement was pockmarked to the extreme. i actually wanted to do the climb that was so feared, well, because i like to climb. well...i thought it did.
not that i'm ever in any danger of winning hard races like this, but this race was pretty much safe from any threat of me winning. safe from any threat of me...at all. my legs were just flat. my first lap down the big descent was drama free, and i was quite happy to settle in the middle and go through the two 90 degree corners. but i took them slow...every lap. so, every lap, i would lose a little time and have to make it back up. unfortunately, a combination of low talent and slow cornering on the bottom of the course makes it very hard to make up time on the monster climb...remember, this was the climb that i wanted to do.
the first lap i was in the mix on the climb, but started to get gapped at the top. i struggled back and latched on to the riders at the bottom of the downhill: score! i defeated my fear of the descent.
my elation lasted exactly that long. again gappage occurred at the corners, and again i struggled back on the monster climb. which, by the way, i had grown to fear. it was HARD. in four laps, i was by myself. i was going to quit after the fifth one.
but i didn't quit. i kept going, like i was racing, for 7 or 8 more laps, i lost count. (16 total!!!) even though i was practically creating a double hernia every climb. i actually looked forward to the downhill every lap, too. i just couldn't quit as long as they weren't pulling riders.
i was going to quit after every lap. but, each time, at the base of the climb, hanna and tyson were screaming their little heads off. about a third of the way up, there was deanna and elijah and more of my friends, including brad and the allisons. about two thirds up, there were more on the right side of the course. and before i ever crested the top, there was the announcer, my old buddy aaro froese, telling me like it was. and there was another group at the top, too.
once i crested the top of that stupid climb, there was no way i was quitting. those people made it happen. it was incredible.
i was lapped twice by jenson. i was treated like a whack-a-mole game. but i had a great race.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
hermann is awesome!
before i download cool pictures and do a whole diatribe about the hermann race, i must stop to say a big thanks to the people that put on the race.
jeff and crew, thanks a ton! what an incredible town for bike racing.
jeff and crew, thanks a ton! what an incredible town for bike racing.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
mountain biking

the kaiser has had some neck issues lately and threw in the towel early. i feel for the guy. it sounds a lot like my neck problem, and luckily i'm working through mine pretty well. twist and i continued and had a great ride. his trail skills have improved 100 times over that of just a few years ago.

did they work?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
bed bugs play
i went to watch hanna in a play tonight. it was called bed bugs and it was pretty funny. hanna was so cute as a bed bug, with antenae and extra arms and all. hopefully i'll have photos up tomorrow and you can see.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
have to weather the weather
it seems that we have taken a step back from the great spring weather we were having.
yesterday, i threw in the towel and spent some time on the trainer between the post office and listing items. it really wasn't so bad since i hadn't been on there in a while. i'm not saying i want to get on there more....
today, i just plain couldn't do it. i was half-heartedly planning on doing the crit tonight. but man, the temps were only in the 40's and it was dreary! how can i do that? well, i didn't. i met my man karl at carondolet (i drove there...) for a parts pick up and talked with him for a while. i said hey to jay and cory, told some stories and left.
i don't even feel bad about it.
yesterday, i threw in the towel and spent some time on the trainer between the post office and listing items. it really wasn't so bad since i hadn't been on there in a while. i'm not saying i want to get on there more....
today, i just plain couldn't do it. i was half-heartedly planning on doing the crit tonight. but man, the temps were only in the 40's and it was dreary! how can i do that? well, i didn't. i met my man karl at carondolet (i drove there...) for a parts pick up and talked with him for a while. i said hey to jay and cory, told some stories and left.
i don't even feel bad about it.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
easter weekend

so there you have it. lot's of egg hunts, lots of food, lots of candy, and a lot of running around. ah, easter sunday. and it was cold and dreary, just like easter sunday always ends up.
Friday, April 10, 2009
the post office
i have been spending an inordinate amount of time at the post office. every day packages have to be mailed, and the best way to do it is to drive 3/4 of a mile to the post office and mail them.
it's funny, but i like going in there when it's crowded. i don't like the wait, but i like the people watching part. you can tell that the customers don't want to be at the post office, and the employees really try hard to be nice. it's like an antagonistic relationship. it's a better relationship than at, say, the dmv, but you can tell there is tension.
the post office that i go to has some really nice people behind the counter. they really, really try hard. but i've watched some awful behavior by customers there. take the rotund surly guy yesterday. he was mad when he got there, and it looked like he wanted to argue with someone. his package was partially wrapped and after waiting a few minutes, he plopped it onto the kiosk in disgust. all eyes turned to him. then it was his turn. he got to the counter and plopped his package down again. he was complaining about something, and then, for some reason, he wanted to buy 142 stamps to mail it. if you coated the whole box with stamps, 142 wouldn't fit on it. he was even more disgusted when he realized that 142 stamps cost $60. but, he bought them and stormed out muttering. i wonder if he really put all those stamps on that little box?
the people at the post office know me by name now. they give me tips on how to ship more economically. they tell me about their day, their children, their wives/husbands. it's kind of nice. i look forward to going there. and i certainly have better insight into why the post office can be such a tough place to work.
crazy how a place you are conditioned to hate can be such a nice place to go.
it's funny, but i like going in there when it's crowded. i don't like the wait, but i like the people watching part. you can tell that the customers don't want to be at the post office, and the employees really try hard to be nice. it's like an antagonistic relationship. it's a better relationship than at, say, the dmv, but you can tell there is tension.
the post office that i go to has some really nice people behind the counter. they really, really try hard. but i've watched some awful behavior by customers there. take the rotund surly guy yesterday. he was mad when he got there, and it looked like he wanted to argue with someone. his package was partially wrapped and after waiting a few minutes, he plopped it onto the kiosk in disgust. all eyes turned to him. then it was his turn. he got to the counter and plopped his package down again. he was complaining about something, and then, for some reason, he wanted to buy 142 stamps to mail it. if you coated the whole box with stamps, 142 wouldn't fit on it. he was even more disgusted when he realized that 142 stamps cost $60. but, he bought them and stormed out muttering. i wonder if he really put all those stamps on that little box?
the people at the post office know me by name now. they give me tips on how to ship more economically. they tell me about their day, their children, their wives/husbands. it's kind of nice. i look forward to going there. and i certainly have better insight into why the post office can be such a tough place to work.
crazy how a place you are conditioned to hate can be such a nice place to go.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
tuesday night crits
against my better judgement, i went to do the tuesday night criterium. (as i typed this, i typed wednesday, because that's when God intended them to be) i say against my better judgement because it was again cold, and of course it was windy.
from whence has this wind come? and when will it leave??
schvonzie emailed me about racing and then i had to commit or not, and i committed. he came by and we rode over there. i overdressed this time (really, every time i overdress) and i wasn't cold but i was unhappy with the wind.
upon arriving, it was looking like no one would come to race. it was like a ghost town. slowly but surely, though, lots showed up. and it was some pretty good racing. lots of attacks, even though they were shut down pretty quickly by the wind. finally, a couple guys got off and we never caught them.
wonder upon wonders, with only a few minutes to go, i found myself off the front of the group with some guys. i looked back and the pack was not interested, so we hit it. closing in on the finish line, my energy and talent ran out and i did not win the field sprint, so i ended the day 4th. which is, well, twenty places or so better than i have managed in a while.
and i wasn't cold. imagine that. schvonzie came back to the house and ate spaghetti with us and that's all i have to say about that.
from whence has this wind come? and when will it leave??
schvonzie emailed me about racing and then i had to commit or not, and i committed. he came by and we rode over there. i overdressed this time (really, every time i overdress) and i wasn't cold but i was unhappy with the wind.
upon arriving, it was looking like no one would come to race. it was like a ghost town. slowly but surely, though, lots showed up. and it was some pretty good racing. lots of attacks, even though they were shut down pretty quickly by the wind. finally, a couple guys got off and we never caught them.
wonder upon wonders, with only a few minutes to go, i found myself off the front of the group with some guys. i looked back and the pack was not interested, so we hit it. closing in on the finish line, my energy and talent ran out and i did not win the field sprint, so i ended the day 4th. which is, well, twenty places or so better than i have managed in a while.
and i wasn't cold. imagine that. schvonzie came back to the house and ate spaghetti with us and that's all i have to say about that.
the things kids say
Monday, April 06, 2009
whoa, now THAT'S a new one

race at tilles

all in all, it was a good day. it was supposed to rain, and it did a little in the morning, but the real stuff held off until evening. what a weekend.
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