Wednesday, December 30, 2009
babies grow up

Saturday, December 26, 2009
business taxes

first, i did keep good records. second, most of the information i need is stored on the web. and third, it's a pretty straightforward business. money comes in electronically, and goes out via credit card or handwritten check. not many other avenues to get fouled up with.
the only issues i really have are deciding where to put what expense. i'm figuring it out, but it will probably take another couple of evenings to get it all straight.
one day, when it becomes a huge empire (!!!!), i will hire someone to do all of this for me!
Friday, December 25, 2009
more christmas photos

christmas photos

ford's new 5.0 is a whopper

there is certainly a horsepower race going on out there, too. the new camaro's 6.2 liter is doing the 426hp dance, while the 6.1 in the dodge srt products is good for 425. but both the camaro and the challenger are well on their way to 4000 pounds, and the mustang is hanging in there around 3600.
while i'm a fan of all of the pony cars now (and would own all three if i won the lottery), i must say that ford has met the typical competitive challenges of this class head on.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
giant tcr advanced 1

the tcr advanced 1. not an SL, mind you, because i don't have that sort of cash handy. but miraculously, it has nearly identical hard points to the fastback. it was easy as poking myself in the eye with a sharp stick to get this thing set up. a few minutes with the tape measure and she was ready.
i took the liberty of swapping on the old faithful flight saddle and the powertap wheels to make it feel like home.
welcome to 2010, me!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
mom's christmas treats

every christmas, she would make a tub full of these things, and every christmas i would eat 50 or 60 out of the 100 that she would make. sorry, i have a sickness.
tonight, the beautiful mrs k decided she was going to make mom's treats. they turned out pretty good, the only difference being a bit softer chocolate.
all i can say is that i'm lucky i worked out hard twice today.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
retiring the schwinn fastback
any day now, i'll be retiring the 2001 schwinn fastback. it's lived a long and prosperous life, and it's time to hang it up.
i really love that bike. it fits me like a glove, and it's so confidence inspiring.
why hang it up? it has approximately 14,000 miles on it. even though most of the components are swapped out (front derailleur and brakes are original), the frame and fork have done their jobs and you never know when older, high mileage stuff could give up the fight. i would hate for that to happen...and i would hate for it to happen more while i was sprinting or going down hill.
what am i getting? you'll see. i post photos here. it's as modern as it gets. and lucky me, it's very close in geometry to my beloved fastback.
i really love that bike. it fits me like a glove, and it's so confidence inspiring.
why hang it up? it has approximately 14,000 miles on it. even though most of the components are swapped out (front derailleur and brakes are original), the frame and fork have done their jobs and you never know when older, high mileage stuff could give up the fight. i would hate for that to happen...and i would hate for it to happen more while i was sprinting or going down hill.
what am i getting? you'll see. i post photos here. it's as modern as it gets. and lucky me, it's very close in geometry to my beloved fastback.
Friday, December 18, 2009
the birds

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
new teams, new stuff, new new new
i've went teamless for 2009. it was quite liberating, really. i mean, there was no pressure to perform and certainly no pressure to show up on any given race day. if my black jersey was dirty, i would just wear my white one. or the red one. or the polka dotted one. i rather enjoyed working with whomever would work with me in breaks, and it was nice to know that the responsibility for chasing usually wasn't on my shoulders (although i usually did anyway).
but that is going to change for 2010. i've got two teams, actually. road and off-road. it's very exciting, even at my advanced age. i do intend to put more effort into racing, although i'm not sure how. i won't have much more time to ride, and i won't be able to travel really any more than i did this year. so i guess that leaves the simpler things to focus on, like weight loss. i have about 12 or 13 too many little debbies around my waist. i've been wondering what it would be like to race at, say, 160 pounds instead of 170. i might go a little faster, and maybe i won't look like a bear on a bike in photos.
first to go was all of the chocolate stuff in the cabinets. ug, that's hard. but necessary. next, i eat at least 7 times a day. i decided to cut that to 5. perhaps 3500 calories a day is bad, no? i have no idea how i burn that many calories a day (i only fluctuate 5 pounds during a 12 month period and have been the same weight since age 23), but i imagine if i cut that down to a reasonable 2700-2800 it would bode well for my 160 pound goal.
new, new, new.
but that is going to change for 2010. i've got two teams, actually. road and off-road. it's very exciting, even at my advanced age. i do intend to put more effort into racing, although i'm not sure how. i won't have much more time to ride, and i won't be able to travel really any more than i did this year. so i guess that leaves the simpler things to focus on, like weight loss. i have about 12 or 13 too many little debbies around my waist. i've been wondering what it would be like to race at, say, 160 pounds instead of 170. i might go a little faster, and maybe i won't look like a bear on a bike in photos.
first to go was all of the chocolate stuff in the cabinets. ug, that's hard. but necessary. next, i eat at least 7 times a day. i decided to cut that to 5. perhaps 3500 calories a day is bad, no? i have no idea how i burn that many calories a day (i only fluctuate 5 pounds during a 12 month period and have been the same weight since age 23), but i imagine if i cut that down to a reasonable 2700-2800 it would bode well for my 160 pound goal.
new, new, new.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
hiking greensfelder
"if you can carry it, you can have it", i said. and they carried it more than halfway around that course. they kept swapping it between them (we got it home and it weighed 5.07 pounds). going up the last grueling climb to the finish, it started to pour rain. we were lucky to have finished without getting really wet. well, most of us. tyson was pretty grubby from, well, just being a boy and getting most of greensfelder's considerable mud on him.
mission accomplished.
ginger bread cookies
Saturday, December 12, 2009
car battery for the freestyle
with the freestyle just turning 4 years old this fall, i was not surprised to hear the engine turning over slowly during the last couple of weeks. cold weather, almost 90,000 miles, 4 year old battery, over 20 start-ups a day...yeah, it was getting close.
yesterday, the beautiful mrs k came to me whilst i was eating breakfast and broke the news to me. it was almost like she was telling me a distant relative had died.
"well, your car didn't start."
knowing how many trips i had to make in the family truckster, i had to spring into action. i grabbed the jumper cables, hooked the truckster up to the fusion, presto. started right up. drove straight up to the auto parts store, left her running, and plunked down $84 for 640 cold cranking amps. done deal. it really couldn't have been easier, except for that $84 part. 6 year warranty? good lord. the freestyle will have 250,000 miles on it by then!
in it's 90,000 miles, the freestyle has needed:
rear brake pads
car battery
air fresheners
i'm impressed with this most boring mode of transportation. i'm sure i'll need front brakes and rotors by spring. it will be due for it's 100,000 mile transmission service, too, which is about $350. all in all, it doesn't have the expensive service intervals that "nice" cars have, and i'm still able to eek 20 mpg even with all the start-ups and full loads that happen on a daily basis.
sometimes, quietly doing the job makes a product extremely satisfying. now i just need my manhood back.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Best of 2009

you know, everyone and their brother does a "best of" when the year end rolls around. most of the time, people don't even pay attention.
there are so many things that are "best of" this year. new jobs changed our lives for the better. many, many new friends changed our lives for the better. tons of new experiences, new opportunities, new goals...
as good as 2009 turned out to be, all of those things are nothing without US.
so, without further explanation, this is my best of 2009. not the photos. the people.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
more photos of the family
wedding reception, breakfast with santa
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