
Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Hound Dog turns FIVE this year!

My big baby turns 5 years old this year. He is the biggest kid I know. Always up for chasing squirrels, barking at the wind, and endlessly catching Frisbees! 
I never thought I'd have a dog this big. Or this loud. But he's one of a kind and I don't know what I'd do without him. Probably sleep a lot better. And sweep up less hair. And I'd have grass in the back yard instead of a vast wasteland. But I'd rather have 90 pounds of pure Remi.


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Home Made Toaster Pastries - What?

Oh yeah, You read the headline correctly. Except I call them all Pop-Tarts. But who knows who might get their corporate panties in a bunch if I called Hanna's block-busting creations Pop-Tarts on this world famous blog? I'm not sure I care, but someone might. Bunched panties aside, I am smitten by these things. I could eat all of them, but I was relegated to one because of a pesky concept called "sharing".  
Well, Hanna heard my pleas for more home made goodness. At no point could Kellogg's (now Kellanova?) make something this earth-shatteringly good. At least nothing that could be packaged and sold for $2.99 at your favorite grocer. I asked Hanna when I could expect my weekly deliveries of these things, but we will have to see how it all pans out. You know, job, Fitness in the Fastlane, social life, they would all have to be put on hold if I'm to get as many of these as I want. Oh well. 
Don't feel sorry for the Hound Dog because he doesn't get home made Pop-tarts. He sleeps on Egyptian Cotton sheets, after all. 


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Spiders own the World

A few times a week, I take a Swifter and go around the fixtures in the store. Every single time, I scoop up these little spider webs. Sometimes I'll do it two days in a row. It's easiest in the morning when the bright sun lights the little webs up like white threads. 
No joke, it's constant. These spiders are relentless. They can build their traps for unsuspecting insects like miniature railroad workers. How? I never even see them. Where are they? I see the webs, but I never see the spiders themselves. They only leave behind the evidence.
The last thing I want to do is destroy their hard work. Really. But I also don't want an early morning customer thinking that we are negligent in our cleaning processes. Because what's next? "If they don't clean up the spider webs, maybe they don't build the bikes right!" Can't have that. 

In conclusion, if you see spider webs in the store, say something. I have a cabinet full of Swifters standing at the ready. And we did build the bike right. 


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Happy Birthday HGK

The years are closing in on you! A quarter century! 25 years! Better start drawing up the last will and testament! The broom wagon is right behind you!
All kidding aside, the years have been kind to my eldest child. 25 years ago today we turned off the Rams Superbowl game at half-time to grab this one out of the oven. (Not a football fan, but we did win, so there is that)
Talk about a super-successful person. This one has been writing her own ticket for a couple years now. Even the side gig is no longer a side gig. Fitness in the Fastlane is a total expression of her and what can be accomplished with some grit and attitude. I'm very proud. Her first 25 years have been a smash hit, no telling what the next 25 years can bring. I love you, Hanna!

Monday, December 30, 2024

That Time Again! Year End, 2024

That's right, the end of 2024 is nigh! That means weird behaviors, strange rituals, incredibly insane shopping stories...and decorated sugar cookies. I'm not tryna brag, but my MEH cookie is in a totally different league than Alex's perfect cookie. Who wants a sugar cookie so perfect that you could shellac it and hang it from a hook on your Christmas tree??
I had to include this photo of us making the aforementioned cookies because I thought the expressions were priceless. Tyson looks like he's wondering about the success of introducing bacon grease to a sugar cookie, but he hasn't said anything yet.
All year, I've been getting photos like this in my inbox. I'm pretty proud of her, but I'm also thinking it might be a passive-aggressive way of her telling me to get my flabby buttocks back into the gym. "How many plates you want on that Olympic bar, Hanna?" "I reckon I'll take some of the Big 'uns" she said.
I saw this on the internet the other day, and I thought it was such a perfect word! I applied it to Eli's trip to Gulf Shores with Kai. 
They meandered around the Gulf area, visited Florida (no Florida Man sightings) and generally just coddiwompled around until they ran out of money and time. They are almost home as of this writing.
Name tags are essential in some social settings. 
What is seemingly very boring news, I got a new mountain bike. What was not boring was that it was a surprise. I had no idea that my family had schemed to get a new bike for me for Christmas. It was only after asking a thousand questions about how to prepare this bike for a made-up customer that Eli finally spilled the beans and told me it was for me. Not only that, he mentioned that the new Boyd wheels that have yet to arrive would have decals that matched the yellow graphics on the new bike! I'll take another pic of that when I get them. I may be in the twilight of my cycling career, but my bikes keep getting better! (you don't have to feel mahvelous, you just have to look mahvelous)
Speaking of mahvelous! Not really. But it was better than last year by a chunk. I had a few good races, too. I won a Tuesday Night Crit. I won a cyclocross race. I think I did 17 races total this year. I'll take it. 
And The Beautiful Mrs. K did what she does: Gathering, organizing, planning, promoting, encouraging, riding,'s exhausting! 
And Remi the Hound Dog continues to do Remi. 
Atta boy, Rem.
And last, but certainly not least, we got a band together. Not like a musical band. But a band of coaches and mechanics and mountain bike nerds to give a stepping stone for kids who want to go farther with their sport. South Side XC Devo. You will see them everywhere in the early spring, riding, racing, and more. Say hi, give them the thumbs up, and watch for bigger and better things. 

Now then. On to...


Friday, December 20, 2024

Ride To Fame

When it comes to bicycle collectors, their motivations vary quite a bit. Some collectors want bikes they had as kids. Some want the bikes they couldn't afford as kids. Some just want to collect and flip and make money. But usually, a Freshour bike collector is different. Freshour frames are quite rare, as not many were made to begin with, and even fewer survived the 40-ish years since the last one was welded up in Sikeston, Missouri.

Steve Freshour has the best reason to collect them: He is the distant cousin of Jerry Freshour himself. Gathering these odd racing frames up and keeping them as family heirlooms is probably the best reason I can think of to be a collector. Steve contacted me some time ago and we talked about him designing his travels from California around a trip through St. Louis. It would be a great opportunity for me to see the old TK frame, and he wanted me to sign a few of the items for posterity's sake. Eli and I had gotten a road ride together last Sunday, putting us in a perfect place to meet Steve at Greensfelder as he made his way through St. Louis.

It was so cool to have Eli see some of the old world stuff. We were able to cruise the TK and another cool white model around the lot a bit. I was surprised they actually rode ok, thinking that new world stuff had just gotten too different. But nope, they were nice, and Steve had even built them up true to the 80's. Some parts, of course, just had to be newer, but they were legit enough to give me the warm and funny 1984 feels. The TK had the correct bars and fork, too. This was one of my earlier ones, as it also had the lower mounted seat post clamp (pain in the butt, but very unique).

I signed a few number plates and top tube pads for Steve's collection, and we bade him farewell and safe trip. I'm super happy that there are people out there who want to preserve the old stuff. The tiny Freshour Cycle company carved out a much bigger chunk of BMX history than I ever imagined. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Endless Things to Write About

My guess as to what's going on here: Max and Hanna found a washing machine that fell off of a delivery truck. M is deciding whether he can time his jump just right to skip across the top of the machine and clear the fence. Kevin is telling them to lift with their legs and the weight is all in their minds. Katie is wondering if all of the kids laundry will fit in one load. Or, everyone is helping deliver a new washing machine to Hanna's apartment. Can't really figure it out.
Before the washer antics ever got under way, M was on flashing his 3rd place podium style with the other South Side kids at the Queeny cyclocross race.
I was in no danger of tripping over a podium step, that's for sure. But I did have a great race, at least I thought so. It was hilly. It was hard. I dropped my chain, although it didn't effect my placing in any way. And I had a victory though: I didn't wear any base layers, tights, or other cold-weather wear. I raced naked, if you will. We all know I could've done a race on a day like today dressed like the Michelin man. Or that kid in A Christmas Story.
I did mention that it was hilly, right?

Remi came along. As a bonus for the kids who know and love him, he played the "drag a kid around the cyclocross course" game. Fun for kids of all ages!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Birthday Delicacies and my other Peeps


The Beautiful Mrs. K turned 29 again this year, and with that momentous event came the goods. Cake-style goods. First up was the Black Forest cake from Kishia. Oh, let me tell you. There was chocolate. And some kinda alcohol was used, like, Rum or something? Anyway, it was something else.
Normally, I brag about the cupcakes that Flannery whips up for us. This time, she brought cheese cake. But again, there was chocolate. Game changing chocolate. I didn't mean to, but somehow I ate more than my fair share of Mrs. K's cheese cake. I actually ate the last few pieces. Definitely a party foul. But maybe Flannery will make more?
I joke with Hanna that she only works out in the finest gyms. We have a good laugh about it. But yesterday I got a text with this photo. I mean, does this look like a gym that Rocky Balboa would work out in?? No, it doesn't. It looks like a gym that Apollo Creed would wear his American Flag boxer shorts to work out in.
Brett and Lauren moved to Bentonville this past summer and left a big hole in the South Side empire. Good for them, as that place is a bike rider's paradise. But it sure was nice to see them today while they were in town for a bike polo tournament. I have the best time goofing with these two. Hoping to get down to visit them in Arkansas soon.
I got a great Facetime call this afternoon from Eli. He was riding up Beech Mountain in North Carolina. His goal was to climb a vertical mile (5280 feet). In his neck of the woods, That comes in 30-ish miles. While we were talking and he was pedaling, he asked me what my maximum climbing in one day was. I told him roughly 5800 feet, the day I climbed Mt. Lemon in Arizona in 2016. A little while later, he sent me this gorgeous photo of the sun setting, as he had reached the top of Beech. And, he ended his day with 6080 feet, in 36 miles.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Summer is Kinda Still Here

The warm temps just keep rolling here in the 314. That's the St. Louis area for you outta towners. We've seen 70's and 80's to go along with our fall colored trees. And it finally rained after a month of dry, scaring some people into thinking the party is over. But nope. In the 70's again today. Hanna celebrated by flashing us the bicep. 
And to prove that it can't rain all the time (despite some very bizarre flooding), my favorite rainbow appeared opposite the shop. It happens often over there. Must be a pot of gold. I'll look into that.
Before any of the rain hit, we raced Cyclocross at one of my favorite venues, St. Vincent County Park. Loved the course. Loved it! But I was a little off the pace, really just my last lap. I had a bad hip day and it just got me. However, I'm still pretty happy with it. Thanks to Carrie Zukoski for the lovely photo. 
And Eli was still here for St. Vincent. He raced his mountain bike, and did two races. His South Side skin suit is much, much more flattering than mine. Again, a Carrie Zukoski photo.
And then I drove Eli to Memphis to meet his room mate so they could travel back to North Carolina to school. They only have a short time left there, so it did seem pretty silly to me for them to have to travel back. But, it's almost over. Now I have absolutely no business (nor interest) in a Bass Pro Shop. Especially one housed in a faux glass pyramid. But I did go in after the boys left. I had to use the bathroom.
And lastly, someone who truly enjoys cyclocross, my nephew. He's getting really good on a bike, having just finished his NICA mountain bike season. He raced Faust Park today and braved the mud and soft grass that I blessedly avoided by riding on the road. I'm not even going to mention that if he had a cyclocross bike, he wouldn't have to lift it like a sack of potatoes over the barriers.....

...but that ain't none of my business. :)


Sunday, October 27, 2024

Fall of 2024 has been a Challenge

It really has been quite a fall so far. Besides the usual hectic end-of-season event schedule (races, rides, events, sales, etc.) the big news around here was Eli returning home. His school was heavily damaged in the recent hurricanes, pretty much ending his collegiate mountain bike season. At the same time, our talented daughter moved back from Dallas...having a successful work-from-home job pays off in so many ways! The beautiful Mrs. K and I took them out to Cafe Nova for a bite.
The Girls Night Out (GNO for the cool kids) ride wrapped up last week with the annual Halloween ride. There are some crazy folks out there, let me tell you. Their energy and love for the ride makes it worth doing week after week all year. Here's to more growth and more fun for 2025!
I've been hitting the cyclocross races most weekends. I had some success in the lower classes, and by my own edict was forced to move into the top class. Man, I hate losing. I really, really hate it but honestly I FEEL fast. I do plan on doing all of them, but I seriously won't race in the mud. Some cyclocross racer I am, right??
Since Hanna has endured a couple of really hard training rides with me, it seemed only fair that I join her at the gym. Now I'm no stranger to gyms, as I grew up quite the meat head. But in my golden years I've only worked out in the basement. So sticking my nose into a real life pump-you-up facility was a bit of a culture shock. But I did enjoy it, and I'm amazed at how strong she is. I am planning on joining the gym with Mrs. K so we can get totally buffed.
Right about the time we get used to having Eli back, he's heading back to Banner Elk to finish out the school year. I'm skeptical about him going back for two weeks, having Thanksgiving break, then going back for the final two weeks. Seems like a lot of back and forth for something he could probably finish online. But, let's get it done, I suppose.
I was also skeptical concerning the condition of my Hound Dog's innards after finding two large Fortell's Pizza boxes strewn about the kitchen the other night. Just how much pizza was left in those, I asked out loud.
Two old guys, still kicking it. One of my oldest friends, Doug keeps racing the big boy races just like me. But more than just back markers, we do get to pass on our wisdom to the younger crowd. If they'll listen, that is. I remember being 20 years old, showing up at my first non-bmx bike race. I would have NEVER listened to two old dudes like this. I was too hard-headed to recognize the value of 90 years of experience between these guys on two wheels. 
And on top of all the things that The Beautiful Mrs. K takes care of, I can't forget to mention the BIG THING on the agenda for 2025. The South Side XC U23 and Junior Development teams. It's a project that is very dear to us and she has gathered an amazing group of people to make it happen. Sponsors, coaches, and riders...all top notch. The idea is to take riders who are committed to be the best mountain bikers they can be and help them GET THERE. Stay tuned, it's going to be awesome.